Free access for users outside Iran to read NoorMags articles

NoorMags users ( need to purchase credit to view, review and download the articles available on the website (in PDF or HTML format), and users outside Iran must purchase the credit they need through the PayPal and VISA portals.

Since some NoorMags users outside Iran and in other Islamic countries live in regions where they cannot purchase credit via PayPal and VISA, it is possible for them to use free credit to read the required articles in NoorMags.

To activate this service, it is necessary for you to send the following items to the email:

  1. Your user profile in NoorMags
  2. Your mobile phone number with the country code of your residence
  3. Name of one of the public social networks installed on your mobile phone, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, through which you can receive the NoorMags message.

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